Here’s the schedule for WNBT (NBC’s flagship TV station in New York City) for the week starting Sunday, December 14th, 1947. The New York Times published daily listings for television stations in the city, including WNBT, alongside its comprehensive radio listings.
WNBT signed on early on Sunday (December 14th) to bring viewers coverage of the lighting of the Park Avenue Christmas tree. That evening, the station aired the second installment of Television Playhouse, an adaptation of Walter Pritchard Eaton’s one-act play The Purple Door Knob
Quiz show Americana aired for the second time on Monday (December 15th). Host John Mason Brown welcomed guests Lewis Gannett, Millicent Fenwick, Russell Maloney, and Merle Miller.
No programs were scheduled for Tuesday (December 16th).
The New York Times likely made a mistake with its schedule for Wednesday (December 17th). It had Kraft Television Theatre airing from 7:30-8PM ET rather than for a full hour from 7:30-8:30PM ET. Later that night, WNBT aired a “Christmas Preview” program.
A live remote from the Waldorf Astoria aired during the afternoon on Thursday (December 18th). The regular evening schedule later that night included Author Meets the Critics, Musical Merry-Go-Round, and You Are an Artist.
On Friday (December 19th), WNBT aired a special holiday variety program titled “Merry Christmas Land at 7PM ET. Later that night, an address by Secretary of State George C. Marshall interrupted boxing from Madison Square Garden.
From 7:30-9:30PM ET on Saturday (December 20th), the station broadcast something called “Kids Kanteen.”
Sunday, December 14th, 1947
6:00PM Lighting of the Christmas Tree on Park Avenue
8:00PM ANTA Show: The Purple Door Knob, with Judith Evelyn, Ethel Griffies, Joanna Roos
8:30PM News
8:40PM Telescreen Magazine
9:10PM News; Hymn
Monday, December 15th, 1947
8:00PM Television News
8:10PM Americana–Quiz. With John Mason Brown; Guests, Lewis Gannett, Millicent Fenwick, Russell Maloney, Merle Miller
8:40PM Boxing, St. Nicholas Arena
Tuesday, December 16th, 1947
No Programs Scheduled
Wednesday, December 17th, 1947
5:00PM Children’s Program
7:25PM Press Releases
7:30PM [Kraft Television Theatre] Drama: Holiday
8:00PM Film–Make Way for Youth
8:30PM In the [Kelvinator] Kitchen–Alma Kitchell
8:45PM Film
9:00PM Christmas Preview
Thursday, December 18th, 1947
1:00PM Luncheon at the Waldorf
7:50PM News Reports
8:00PM Author Meets the Critics
8:30PM Television News
8:40PM Musical Merry-Go-Round
8:50PM Film
9:00PM You Are an Artist-Jon Gnagy
9:10PM Current Opinion
Friday, December 19th, 1947
1:00PM [Swift] Home Service Club: Tex and Jinx
1:30PM Television Newsreel
6:50PM News Reports
7:00PM Merry Christmas Land–Variety From Grand Central Palace
8:20PM Film: The World in Your Home
8:30PM Department Store Shopping Tips
8:45PM Film
8:50PM Boxing, Madison Square Garden
10:00PM Secretary of State George C. Marshall
10:15PM Boxing, Madison Square Garden
Saturday, December 20th, 1947
7:30-9:30PM Kids Kanteen
Note: Television listings published in newspapers were based on information provided by stations and were subject to change at the last minute. They may not be an accurate representation of what actually aired.