NBC aired 586 episodes of Kraft Television Theatre between May 1947 and October 1958. At least 225 episodes survive today.
Category: Status Guide
Status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 11
What’s the status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 11? NBC broadcast 51 episodes between September 1957 and October 1958. At least 36 episodes survive.
Status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 10
What’s the status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 10? NBC broadcast 52 episodes between September 1956 and September 1957. At least 45 episodes survive.
Status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 9
What’s the status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 9? NBC broadcast 49 episodes between September 1955 and September 1956. At least 34 episodes survive.
Status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 8
What’s the status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 8? NBC broadcast 52 episodes between September 1954 and September 1955. At least 23 episodes survive.
Status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 7
What’s the status of Kraft Television Theatre, Season 7? NBC broadcast 56 episodes between September 1953 and September 1954. At least 22 episodes survive.