Cliffhangers, an unusual NBC series consisting of three unrelated serial dramas, celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2019. It debuted on February 27th, 1979.
Tag: Cliffhangers
My Favorite Obscurities: The 1970s
A look at my 12 favorite obscurities from the 1970s, including Sons and Daughters, The Headmaster, Lucas Tanner, Cliffhangers, and Nancy.
Revised: Cliffhangers
I’ve revised my three-part article on Cliffhangers, which is now a four-part article: Series Overview, “Stop Susan Williams”, “The Secret Empire” and “The Curse of Dracula”.
Mid-Season 1979
Midway through the 1978-1979 season, the networks rolled out their mid-season replacements. Most were flops, including Delta House, Little Women, Cliffhangers, Turnabout, and Married: The First Year.
Cliffhangers: Overview
Cliffhangers was an umbrella series consisting of three 20-minute serials: Stop Susan Williams, The Secret Empire, and The Curse of Dracula. It aired on NBC as a mid-season replacement from February to May 1979.