Television Obscurities Turns 21

Television Obscurities turned 21 earlier this month. Or at least the current incarnation of Television Obscurities celebrates its 21st anniversary this month. An early version of the website debuted in November 2002 before relaunching on June 11th, 2003. It really boggles the mind to think that my little website is now old enough legally drink.

If you’d like to learn more about the early days of Television Obscurities, I wrote a two-part history of the website in June 2013: Part 1 / Part 2. I should probably get around to adding a Part 3 soon.

At the moment, I’m slowly making progress on several projects for Television Obscurities. Trying to focus on one thing at a time is hard for me. I’m digitizing more TV audio from reel to reel tapes, working on a comprehensive overview of TV trading card sets, and compiling a list of forgotten and short-lived TV shows available on DVD and/or Blu-ray. Plus, I have a new Retro Review column in the works for an episode of Janet Dean, Registered Nurse.

Be sure to check back on July 1st for the fourth annual Lost TV Day here at Television Obscurities.

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7 Replies to “Television Obscurities Turns 21”

  1. Congratulations on the anniversary. To think, when you started off-air TV was still analog, at least in the US.

  2. I don’t recall when I started visiting this site, but it’s been many years now. My favorite articles are about the shows that came before I was born – the 1940s and early 50s. Articles about shows from the 1960s, that I have vague memories of, are also interesting, but I tend to read everything you post, as well as many of the comments that readers have left.
    Thank you for all of your time and effort for keeping the website going. The only thing about the website that annoys me (and I know its not your fault) are the people who read articles about a favorite series that was canceled, or about the schedule change of a digital sub-channel, and then the readers leave comments scolding you, and demanding that you bring a series back, or revert to a former sub-channel schedule. I suppose that’s because you’ve posted more information then the folks who are in charge of TV networks, so your website comes up when unhappy people are searching for someone to be mad at.
    Best wishes on your continuation of TV Obscurities.

  3. “Plus, I have a new Retro Review column in the works for an episode of Janet Dean, Registered Nurse.”

    Is there a link to your column? I’d love to read it!

  4. Cheers! I love this site and have been visiting it for years! Thank you for keeping it going after all this time! Here’s to another 21!

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary! I have been enjoying Television Obscurities for quite a few years now and particularly the articles about obscure series that haven’t been seen in some time, also A Year in TV Guide for 1964-65 that you still have available. Best wishes for the future of your wonderful website that we hope will continue to entertain for years to come.

  6. and worth pointing out that the entire businss records of the BIB// that is— brodcast info bureau have been quite wiped out… WHAT USED TO BE CALLED THE BLACK NBOOK>> for pros only//andwas startedh ere in westchester..** and was sold behind the scenes from the nosatalgia book c lub years ago..—i still have mine.**. FOR INSIDERS with links how deals were made within the business// NOT the public… it actually aa controlled by egal issurs and as nOT supposed to be spread around…pk– i e this goes back to 1973!!!!

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