For Your Pleasure was a live musical/variety series hosted by Kyle MacDonnell that aired on NBC in the late 1940s. Its original run lasted from April to September 1948 and these episodes ran for 15 minutes. The series was broadcast on a sustaining basis, meaning it had no sponsor. It is believed to have aired on NBC’s Eastern network
Few details about the series are available. Kyle served as mistress of ceremonies, introducing guests as well as performing. She sang “How High the Moon” and “I Wish I Didn’t Love You So” during the premiere episode. The Norman Paris Trio provided live music. Early episodes featured dance duo Jack and Jill; the two were replaced in June 1948 by another dance duo, Blaire and Deane.
Television listings in The New York Times indicate that the July 14th, 1948 episode was pre-empted for a play called “Poor Aubrey” with Allan Bunce and Janet Tyler. NBC’s line-up that night was shuffled due to coverage of the Democratic National Convention and For Your Pleasure was apparently not broadcast.
In July 1949, For Your Pleasure was revived as a half-hour series, again hosted by Kyle MacDonnell and again featuring the Norman Paris Trio. Only seven episodes of this version were broadcast.
Original Version (1948-1949) | ||
Ep. # | Airdate | Guests |
1. | 04/15/1948 | Dan Henry |
2. | 04/22/1948 | Unknown |
3. | 04/29/1948 | Unknown |
4. | 05/06/1948 | Unknown |
5. | 05/13/1948 | Unknown |
6. | 05/20/1948 | Unknown |
7. | 05/27/1948 | Unknown |
8. | 06/03/1948 | Unknown |
9. | 06/10/1948 | Unknown |
10. | 06/17/1948 | Unknown |
11. | 06/23/1948 | Unknown |
12. | 07/01/1948 | Unknown |
13. | 07/07/1948 | Unknown |
07/14/1948 | PRE-EMPTED: Play, Poor Aubrey | |
14. | 07/21/1948 | Unknown |
15. | 07/28/1948 | Unknown |
16. | 08/04/1948 | Unknown |
17. | 08/11/1948 | Unknown |
18. | 08/18/1948 | Unknown |
19. | 08/25/1948 | Unknown |
20. | 09/01/1948 | Unknown |
Revival (1949) | ||
Ep. # | Airdate | Guests |
21. | 07/30/1949 | Mata and Hari |
22. | 08/06/1949 | Unknown |
23. | 08/13/1949 | Burl Ives |
24. | 08/20/1949 | Unknown |
25. | 08/27/1949 | Unknown |
26. | 09/03/1949 | Unknown |
27. | 09/10/1949 | Unknown |
No episodes of either version are known to survive and it is not clear whether kinescopes were made and distributed to stations outside of NBC’s Eastern network.
Additional information about both versions of For Your Pleasure can be found in my article Kyle MacDonnell: TV’s Forgotten Star.